Medipro Workshop

It’s a great honor to announce our first Workshop that will be organized at the upcoming reginal 14th Congress of Serbian Association of Anesthesiologists and Intensivists (14th Congress of SAAI), which developed into Serbian most important medical congress in the field of Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine.


Part 1: Ultrasound guided procedures in anesthesiology. Understanding the benefit of using handheld ultrasound as a point of care device

This one-day workshop evolve new opportunities for no-risk learning skills using life like phantoms, designed to mimic the sonographic and physical properties of human tissue under ultrasound. The event is intended to increase practitioner’s confidence in performing wide variety of procedures such as: Ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia, ultrasound-guided vascular access, IV cannulation, injection of simulated anaesthetics with visual air & fluid retention possible, injection of fluid around the nerve, difficult peripheral vascular-access procedures, etc. After receiving phantom training, operators will be more comfortable with using ultrasound compared to those who did not.

Part 2: Benefits of adding advanced visualization equipment to the toolbox of airway management.

Beside practicing different airway management techniques referring to placement of all known tubes and supraglotic airway devices, this part of workshop will help operators in developing bronchoscopy skills in ICU and OR, as well to overcome the challenges of proper placement and positioning of double lumen tubes/endobronchial blockers by using innovative visualization equipment.